Iceart 5009 is well established full time business. Began in 1989 Iceart5009 has been ever since servicing over 50 of the finest Caterers, Clubs, Restaurants, Professional Organization and Minister EVENTS.
Below are the companies and organization that Iceart5009 have worked closely with; Proton Malaysia, Motorola, Sony, Visit Malaysia, McDonald, India Ltd Colgate; Bombay, UPM, Mardi, Ericson, Jaya Jusco, Mines Wonderland, Malaysia Air Force Labuan and many more....
No matter what size your event is, Iceart5009 is sure to work with you to create just the right piece, creating the impression you want. From ice Logo's, sculptures we believe we can create impact and hype for your launch or event. Why not consider setting your product in ice for product launches? This can be done with something small like a globe up to our largest range of blocks and 100 bars.
Team member of Iceart5009